Opening Hours

We are open Monday to Thursday all day and Friday morning. Please note we are a term time Preschool and Nursery.

Morning Session: 9:00am – 12:00 noon
Lunch Club: 12:00 noon – 1:00pm
Afternoon Session: 12:00 noon – 3:00pm


Parents are welcome to make a preliminary visit to see Pre-School and Nursery, to view the setting in practice and to gain an understanding of what Tilehouse Street Pre-School and Nursery can provide for you and your child. We recommend bringing your child to see how they interact with the setting and staff. We want this to be a positive first impression for your child. Most do not want to leave and are excited about returning to their ‘new’ school. 

We love to hear from you!

To help children settle into the Pre-School and Nursery routines, we require children to attend a minimum of 2 sessions a week and at least 2 different days. Of course, children can attend as many sessions as you wish, subject to availability.

Our Local Offer

As part of the Pre-School and Nursery’s policy to make sure that its provision meets the needs of each individual child, we take account of any special needs or disabilities which a child may have. We therefore work to the requirements of the 1993 Education Act and the Special Needs Code of Practice (2014). The Pre-School’s Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator is Mrs. Karen Harvey (

SEND Local Offer 2024

Caterpillar Room

Children can start attending Tilehouse Street Pre-School and Nursery from the age of 2 years.  We aim to fill our setting ready for September but we may have some spaces that we can offer to families, but this is very much subject to availability. If you wish to talk through a possible place please do always email or equally telephone us if wish your child to start with us and discuss the waiting list and see how we can help. Places in our sessions are offered on a strict first come, first served basis.


Butterfly Room


We are now full in the Butterfly class in September 2024. We have limited space in the Caterpillar class. Apply now to secure a place for September 2024.

Please contact us as soon as possible if you require a place in September 2025 to avoid disappointment.

Interest for admissions into our setting for September 2025/2026 are now being accepted. All applications will receive a confirmation email (This will confirm interest not acceptance at this point). 

In-year applications are accepted subject to availability.

We have a maximum of 12 nursery places at Tilehouse Street Pre-School and Nursery offering a unique staff to child ratio within the local area.  Children attend for 5 mornings per week (15 hours funded).  Additional sessions can be added and will be charged as per the fees detailed above. (these prices are subject to change in September 2024)

To request an application form please email


Timeline 2023/24

1st November 2023 Hertfordshire Online system opens for School places 2024
January 4th 2024 Applications open for Butterfly and Caterpillar Classes open for September 2024
 January 15th 2024 Hertfordshire Deadline to apply for a school place
Monday 19th February 2024 Applications Close Butterfly and Caterpillar Classes
20th June 2024 Induction Evening for parents of all new children. 

*Applications that are offered and accepted and later rejected by the parent/carer will incur an administration fee of £25.00 per child if we are unable to offer that place to another child.