Early Years Foundation Stage

At Tilehouse Street Pre-School and Nursery we follow the “Early Years Foundation Stage Framework” (EYFS) which starts from birth and continues through their time with us until the end of their Reception year at school.

The Early Years Foundation Stage is based upon four principles:

A Unique Child  At Tilehouse Street Pre-School and Nursery we recognise that all children are unique and all develop at different rates. However, we believe that all children are competent learners who can be resilient, capable and confident when they have positive attitudes and dispositions to learning.

Positive Relationships  Children learn to be strong and independent from secure relationships. During your child’s time at nursery and pre-school we hope to develop caring but professional relationships with the children and their families and encourage positive relationships between the children and their peers. We have a key person policy in place to ensure that these relationships are formed.

Enabling Environments  At Tilehouse Street Pre-School and Nursery we recognize that the environment plays a key role in supporting children’s learning and development. The nursery environment is designed to allow the children to explore and learn safely. The environment supports the children to become independent and children can choose to move between the indoor and outdoor environment.

Learning and Development  At Tilehouse Street Pre-School and Nursery we understand that children develop in different ways and different rates. The Early Years Foundation Stage has seven areas of learning. All of the areas of learning are equally important and are all interconnected.

Hair cutting

We plan and offer a wide range of purposeful, play-based activities based on our children’s interests to support their learning through independent exploration and interaction with adults and other children.