Our Keyperson System
We operate a key person system at Tilehouse Street Pre-School and Nursery. Each child will be allocated a key person before they start.
The Key Person will:
- Support and engage the child when away from their home environment.
- Provide an induction for the family and for settling the child into our setting.
- Explaining where our policies and procedures are located, and how parents can access them (these details are also within the welcome pack) with particular focus on policies such as safeguarding and our responsibilities under the Prevent Duty.
- Offer support and guidance for the child and being non-judgemental.
- Work with the parents provide an individualised learning plan to support your child’s needs, well-being, care and learning.
- Act as the key contact for the parents.
- Share information on a regular basis with the child’s parents to keep developmental and personalised needs records up-to-date, providing a complete picture of the child.